How We Make Sense of Our Senses

Apr 2, 2019

Foundations Field Notes: Week One


What a beautiful way to start our season! It was sheer joy to observe each of you, our forest community embrace yourselves, each other and Mama Earth is such a meaningful way- our hearts certainly felt full. Thank YOU.


This week, we began our journey through the Indicators of Awareness, whose roots are qualities of being that lead to productive doing. If “Nature Deficit Disorder” demonstrates one possible set of symptoms as a result of modern cultural influences and lifestyle, the Indicators of Awareness demonstrate the opposite- symptoms of health.


Last week, we started our journey at EAST, which marks the beginning, of the day, the year, and human life, so here we place the foundational quality we want to see emerge: Common Sense.The origin of this quality rises from the practical use of the physical senses. Common Sense emerges from a basic habit of paying attention with all senses alert. This shows up by knowing how to properly dress for the rain and tick prevention, stepping out of the darkness without a flashlight, identifying poison ivy and deadwood, for example.


To celebrate our next Indicator of Awareness: Southeast (Aliveness + Agility), we’ll be having a drum circle in our magical forest!

